jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010

Community of Integrated Blended Learning in Europe COMBLE

PROYECTO DEL MES. El proyecto COMBLE se planteó las siguientes preguntas: “¿Cuándo está lista una institución (universidad, centro de formación continua, empresa, etc.) para el aprendizaje mixto y cuáles son los retos y las soluciones comunes para la adopción de este método?” y “¿Cómo pueden diseñar los formadores un aprendizaje activo y colaborativo?”. Los formadores pueden consultar y compartir más de 100 actividades de aprendizaje gracias a Methopedia, la principal herramienta del proyecto.

The COMBLE project explored the questions “When is an institution (universities, further education, enterprises) ready for Blended Learning – what are the common challenges and solutions?” and “How can trainers design active and collaborative learning?” Educators can find and share over 100 learning activities in the main product of the project Methopedia (methopedia.eu)
Aim: To improve the quality of Blended Learning

Recently developed learning technologies based on collaboration and social interaction can improve the quality of learning. However, this potential will only unfold if institutions implement suitable methodologies and learning cultures, and if instructors become able to integrate active learning by choosing suitable activities.

One important step in supporting pedagogical innovations is to combine learning technologies with collaborative and learner-centred learning activities: group work, learning in projects, working on real problems or complex learning settings like tandem learning, open spaces, web quests, video casts or expert learning.

Training and education will be innovative and foster digital competence if it focuses on both ICT and methodological competences. Through the wiki based community Methopedia (www.methopedia.eu) we support the improvement of educator’s/trainer’s competences for interactive, elaborated and collaborative learning.

Project results:

The European wiki-based community Methopedia for Blended Learning experts to share relevant knowledge and experience. Methopedia is available in four languages and contains about 100 different learning activities and an interactive seminar planer: http://www.methopedia.eu
A Blended Learning Readiness Wiki to support strategic planning, change management and the evaluation of blended learning scenarios at the institutional level: http://blr.comble-project.eu
The Methopedia Learning Designer: an online flash tool to design seminars. It is available on the Methopedia website and via: http://designer.methopedia.eu


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